Thank you for your interest in our Community. It takes a village to raise a solitary. There are some pillars which support a healthy solitary practice in the Camaldolese spirit: family/friends supportive of the call; regular church attendance and participation; spiritual direction for accountability. The same concept applies to community life. It takes a variety of activities to bring communal life into its fullness: giving generously to the community; focused group sharing; intentional group activity.

As an intentional religious community there are some actions we do in common even though we are dispersed:

  • Read and study the Rule of St. Benedict and the the Brief Rule of Romuald (available on this site) daily
  • Have a regular practice of lectio divina and meditation
  • Engage with a spiritual director or anam cara
  • Pray the Morning and Evening Daily Offices

Here are a few of the minimum requirements we have as a Community:

  • $5/month minimum giving
  • Yearly retreat
  • Attendance at the triennial Convocation for US members (next one tentatively in July 2025)

If you would like to continue to test your call, you could start with reading and studying our Rule and Customary (both available on this site). Other recommended readings are:

  • Monastic Practices by Charles Cummings
  • Sacred Reading by Michael Casey
  • The Eremitic Life by Cornelius Wencel
  • Oasis of Wisdom by David Keller
  • The Privilege of Love edited by Peter Damien Belisle

Please use the contact form below to begin your discernment with us.

We will try our best to respond back to you within 2-3 business days.